+33 (0)3 88 91 87 55 contact@fde.fr


Designing the medical devices of the future

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SO-CONNECT flow test

Our goal | 01

The goal of F.D.E. as a company is to grow through the development of its own products
Already, the expertise of our engineers in fields as diverse and varied as – computing and embedded software, electronics, mechanics, project management and regulatory affairs – allows us to embark on research and development projects aimed at designing the medical devices of the future.

Research & development

SO-CONNECT Flow test 2

Our resources | 02

The company’s strength lies in its R&D department and its development teams
Big data
Big data and database management
Software and embedded programming
Electronic board design
Mechanical design

Test tools

Development of test tools

SO-CONNECT Flow test 3
Our numerous field contacts facilitate the rapid development and implementation of the latest innovations in terms of medical devices.

Collaboration | 03

F.D.E. is always on the lookout for new projects aimed at creating innovative, safe and patient-oriented medical devices, and will carefully study any proposals of collaboration on a new project

To submit your project, please contact us